Lampante virgin olive oil: other than the category of “virgin olive oils” the free acidity expressed in oleic acid is greater than 3.3 g for 100 g.

Lattina: this is the container used to make 5 liters of olive oil (or even packs of 25 liters). The tinplate is a sheet of steel covered on both sides by a thin layer of tin of varying thicknesses. It is very effective because it does not let anything pass through.

Linolenic acid: this is also classified together with linoleic acid under the name of vitamin F. Their therapeutic properties are numerous, they prevent skin and stomach cancer. They prevent cardio-circulatory disorders. They contrast skin problems (dryness, wrinkling and flaking). Clinical experts have proven their effectiveness against eczema. Gamma-linolenic acid is involved in the regeneration of the phospholipids of the fibroblast membranes. The skin becomes more elastic and flexible.

Lot (on the label): this is a “mandatory” indication that must be present on a container of olive oil. It refers to a set of units of a foodstuff which are produced, manufactured or packaged under virtually identical circumstances.