Mediterranean diet: a nutritional model that represents the ideal healthy diet, capable of promoting prevention in the health field.
Mesocarp: this is part of the fruit which is commonly called the pulp in fleshy fruits.
Molazza: this is a machine used for pressing (or squeezing) olives. It is a container with a truncated, conical shape with an arm in the middle to which two or three cylinders (wheels) of granite are connected. The cylinders crush the olives as they turn.
Morchia: this is the sludge of the oil. It is formed by the aggregation of very small sediments present in the olive oil after extraction. These are parts of the olive that are not separated in the extraction process. In fact, the turbidity of just-extracted oil is due to these sediments which tend to settle on the bottom of the container over time. This is why the olive grower should transfer the oil from one container to another after a certain period of time, to allow the expulsion of this substance and prevent the oil from acquiring an unpleasant smell. There are many companies that perform this purge before packaging by filtering the oil.